Thursday, June 27, 2013

Arrested 46 Times for the Hollywood Stabbing Suspect

County supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky said today that Dustin James Kinnear—who's been charged with murder in the June 18 stabbing death of Christine Caldron—was recently paroled from prison, according to City News Service.

The Sacramento Bee reports that Kinnear's early release was through AB109, a state cost-savings program. [Note: The Associated Press informed us their original article was not accurate: AB109 was designed to reduce prison overcrowding, not save money.]

Yaroslavsky is trying to put together a timeline in the county's handling of what turned out to be a high-risk individual, and whether Kinnear ever received a mental health evaluation. Kinnear's mother has told the media that her son had mental problems and that this kind of tragedy was "a matter of time."

"This timeline may contribute to our understanding of this specific situation and inform interventions to ensure that probationers are engaged in appropriate rehabilitative services, high risk incidences are deterred, and public safety is preserved," Yaroslavsky said. In other words, he wants to make sure that no one drops the ball like this again any time soon.

When the three men appeared in court for arraignment, both Kinnear and Jason Joel Wolstone, 33, one of the other transients charged with a lesser offense in the crime, were wearing yellow prison clothes, which typically designate psychological issues of some kind, CNS reports.

According to Sheriff's Department records, Kinnear was in and out of county jails five times during April and May, for stretches ranging from two to nine days.

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